Bridging the gap between creativity and web / mobile technical wizardry.

I'm Nathan Guenther, The Scrappy Dev.

I've been interested in websites since I was a kid. Starting with Windows '95 family computer. I still remember the sound of the dial-up network when it tried to make a connection to the internet--as well as the the fights with siblings to maintain control of the available phone line... How else was I supposed to play my favorite game, Super Metroid on the SNES emulator??

Having worked in the web industry for 7 years now, I've worked with a variety of clients: from small businesses to large corporations. I've worked on projects ranging from simple landing pages to complex web applications.

I'm a big fan of React and Next.js. I'm also a big fan of Tailwind CSS. I've been using Tailwind CSS for the past few months, and I'm really enjoying it. As with any good new technology, my paradigms have shifted and I'm now thinking in terms of components and utility classes.

I call myself The Scrappy Dev because I'm a self-taught developer who values his time. If there's a way to do a project faster, I'll take it! I've learned everything I know from the internet, and I'm always looking to learn more.